掠杀者的剧情介绍,故事发生在苏格兰一个名叫英维思的偏远宁静小镇。夜幕愈加浓重,年轻女警官瑞秋(Pollyanna McIntosh 饰)被闹钟唤醒,她有条不紊穿戴整齐,随后出门行走在空无一人的街道中央。在某个路口,瑞秋目击不远处站着一位老人,但随后老人被一辆飞驰而来的汽车撞到。瑞秋冲上前去,然而并未看到被撞之人,她只得将肇事者凯撒(布莱恩·沃纳 Brian Vernel 饰)扭送回警局,与麦克·瑞德警长(道格拉斯·罗素 Douglas Russell 饰)一同审问。稍后凯撒被关入牢房,而警局的同事也找到了那名神秘且一言不发的受伤老人。 <br /> 令人难以置信的是,老人似乎拥有直抵他人内心的能力,同时也让对方暴走疯狂,这注定是一个不平凡的夜晚……
Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first night shift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless, the forgotten, the bitter-and-twisted who all think that, really, they deserve to be somewhere else. They all think they're there by accident and that, with a little luck, life is going to get better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is about to arrive - and All Hell Will Break Loose!