An English scientist runs away from a research center with an atomic bomb. In a letter sent to the British Prime Minister he threatens to blow up the center of London if the Government don't announce the end of any research in this field within a week. Special agents from Scotland Yard try to stop him, with help from the scientist's assistant future son-in-law to find and stop the mad man.
又看了一个核威胁以及全民撤退题材,我还真不是故意的。这片公映2年后,英国试爆成功第一颗原子弹,相信找点当时本片摄制背景和访谈,会有有趣的东西。本片高潮在伦敦全城大撤离,看民众万相。9年后另一片,CITY OF FEAR (1959)在处理公众安全题材,和NOIR结合,更惊悚凝练。
好莱坞灾难片的蓝本之作.两位编剧得了当年的奥斯卡最佳原著剧本奖.能清楚的看到当时的英国电影仍然雌伏于伟大的戏剧传统脚下.这俩编剧Paul Dehn和James Bernard,他们是一对死GAY啦...
many details make this film a little bit hard to assimilate, superb dialogues, pushing me to feel sort of Cold War period instantly, transforming it into real moments in history, the whole rhythm reac...