克莉丝堤:杀人网站的剧情介绍,又是一年感恩节假期到来,曾经熙攘喧嚣的大学校园一下子变得空空荡荡。空旷的校园内却徘徊着一个稍显落寞无聊的身影,她叫贾丝汀(海莉·贝内特 Haley Bennett 饰),因为机票价格过高以及学业和补助的事情而被迫留在学校。不久前她告别深爱的男友,连原本答应陪她的宿舍好友也临时跑回家过节。贾丝汀百无聊赖打发漫长的时光,却没有料到危险正向她逼近。近一段时间里,贾丝汀所在的城市接连有沉迷派对的女大学生失踪。某外,贾丝汀驱车去附近的超市购物,谁知却惹上了一个不甚友好的女子(阿什丽·格林尼 Ashley Greene 饰)。 <br /> 贾丝汀好不容易逃回宿舍,可是噩梦就此展开,感恩节被染上了可怕的血色……
College girl Justine works hard to support herself at Bryce College, where she studies. During Thanksgiving, her boyfriend Aaron goes home and Justine has plans to stay on campus with her roommate, Nicole. Out of the blue, Nicole's father invites her to Aspen, while Justine remains in the dorm. One night, Justine drives to a convenience store to buy supplies and meets Violet, who threatens her. Shaken, Justine returns to campus, where she soon finds herself being hunted down by Violet and three hoodlums from a cult. Justine has to fight to survive.