Baptista, a rich Paduan merchant, announces that his fair young daughter, Bianca, will remain unwed until her older sister, Katharina, a hellish shrew, has wed. Lucentio, a student and the son of a wealthy Pisan merchant, has fallen in love with Bianca. He poses as a tutor of music and poetry to gain entrance to the Baptista household and to be near Bianca. Meanwhile, Petruchio, a fortune-hunting scoundrel from Verona, arrives in Padua, hoping to capture a wealthy wife. Hortensio, another suitor of Bianca, directs Petruchio's attention to Katharina. When Hortensio warns him about Katharina's scolding tongue and fiery temper, Petruchio is challenged and resolves to capture her love. Hortensio and another suitor of Bianca, Gremio, agree to cover Petruchio's costs as he pursues Katharina.
泰勒答应出演《驯悍记》的过程。女人喜欢驯悍记。悍妇和她的驯服者。这一吻足以倾城。“你是如此温柔贤德”。“她像潮汐一样来来去去”。独立的女人才有资格成为“悍妇”。观影笔记 :你要问我看得开不开心,我会说看得我恶心和心惊。时代下的神经症人格。台词精妙。
主角悍女Katarina出名泼辣,生男勿近,而她的妹妹Bianca却是一位温柔娴婌的万人迷。做父亲的惨成祸心,或许受不了大女儿Katarina的气焰凌迟,他居然徇私剥夺妹妹谈恋爱的自由,直至姐姐嫁得出为止。那些倾慕妹妹的众生皆因此头疼,苦思后度出一计,就是找一隻替死鬼娶姐姐。Katarina性格暴躁、脾气倔强,找不到任何一个敢娶她的男人,在心不甘情不愿的情况下,她嫁给了高大结实的大胡子男人Petruchio。Petruchio一心要把Katarina训练成百依百顺的好妻子,所以他采取了“以暴制暴”的方式,最后终于驯服了Katarina的一身傲骨。 Franco Zeffirelli's adaptation of William Shakespeare's play about love and marriage. Shy Bianca and me...
Petrucio 让人恼火。
抓住了凯瑟琳的悲剧,被迫假意服从,在男权折磨下失魂落魄这一核心。但仍不够果断,太忠实莎翁有缺陷的原剧本。人物塑造并不精彩也不能服人。相对最为清晰的角色是皮特鲁乔,阴险狠辣表现充分。Nino Rota配乐灵活而不抢戏;华丽细致的美术是大亮点。