机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN Ⅰ 青瞳的卡斯巴尔的剧情介绍,宇宙世纪0068年,星际旅行成为平常,过度膨胀的人口通过宇宙殖民通往其他星球。太空殖民地环绕地球,构成了不可分割的整体。在此期间,宇宙殖民城市SIDE3——穆佐自治共和国的议长吉翁·什姆·戴肯(津田英三 配音)针对独立于地球联盟政府之外的主题发表慷慨激昂的演说。谁知演说过程中他突然倒地,一命呜呼。在此之后,坚信扎比家族是谋害吉翁的幕后黑手的金巴·拉尔(茶风林 配音)接近了吉翁的儿子卡斯巴尔·雷姆·戴肯(田中真弓 配音),想尽办法令其避免仇家追杀。与此同时,妄图攫取穆佐自治共和国实权的副议长德金·索多·扎比则带领扎比家族加快了谋逆的步伐。不寻常的命运等待着这些善恶之人……
Universal Century 0068, Side 3 - The Autonomous Republic of Munzo. Zeon Zum Deikun attempts to declare complete independence of Munzo from the Earth Federation Government, while he preaches the evolutionary potential of humans who have advanced into outer space. Deikun however suddenly falls to his death in the middle of his speech at parliament. Upon Deikun's death, Jimba Ral spreads word of a House of Zabi conspiracy - but despite such efforts the power and sphere of influence of House of Zabi, led by Degwin Sodo Zabi, only seem to escalate. While we witness for the first time the untold convulsions of Universal Century history, Casval and Artesia, just bereaved of their father, must face destinies which will be just as tumultuous as the very era itself. (C)SOTSU, SUNRISE
[Shirokoi][Kidou Senshi Gundam the Origin][01][BIG5][1080P].mp4