Told through the eyes of an Australian television reporter who moved to the UK to escape depression, we learn that sometimes you can find happiness where you least expect. We follow the journey of 3 characters in the club: the lesbian coach fighting misogyny, even in the gay world. The semi-pro player who spiraled into a depression after his coming out didn't go as planned. And the prop who discovered he was a drag queen through the club.
Told through the eyes of an Australian television reporter who moved to the UK to escape depression, we learn that sometimes you can find happiness where you least expect. We follow the journey of 3 characters in the club: the lesbian coach fighting misogyny, even in the gay world. The semi-pro player who spiraled into a depression after his coming out didn't go as planned. And...
#2021 Glasgow Film Festival 整个故事并非关于出柜,同志之路,或者是橄榄球比赛,而是为了告诉更多人去勇敢寻找他们自己的归属,不要轻言放弃,因为也许在最意想不到的地方会收获快乐。从第一支同性恋橄榄球队—Steelers,到60支同性恋橄榄球队,2000多名性少数球员,他们用自己的力量推动着社会尤其是体育界的进步与多元,也让更多和他们一样的人有机会去找到归属勇敢做自己。特别喜...