极地重生的剧情介绍,二战末期,德国军人科利基文斯(米高·文度 Michael Mendl)在战争中沦为战俘,被处以25年的刑期,而此时他怀孕的妻子和女儿则完全没有他的消息,只能求神保佑他还能活着回来。经过漫长的跋涉,一行战俘被送到了一个劳改场,那里没有围墙也没有栅栏,然而极度的严寒和千里冰原则成了难以逾越的屏障。这里位于西伯利亚东部,初到之时,由于天气和疾病,很多人都不幸死去,然而非人的矿工生活,才是真正的炼狱。科利基文斯从来没有忘记远方的亲人,一次失败的逃亡让他饱受看守的虐待,然而这却更加坚定了他要逃出这里的决心。后来在年迈的医生的帮助下,科利基文斯才得以逃离劳改场,从此获得回家的希望。可是在他面前的,将是长达14000公里的“死亡之地”,在被积雪覆盖的千里冰原,科利孤身一开始了漫长的回家之路…… <br /> 本片曾获多项国际大奖,其情节源自一个真实的逃亡故事。
As prisoner of war Clemens Forell, a German soldier during WW II, is sentenced to a labor camp in far east Siberia. After four years working in the mines he escapes from the camp (in 1949) and tries to get home to his wife and children. For three years he journeys through Siberia. An odyssey of 14,000 kilometers, set against a backdrop of desolate and inhospitable landscape, beset by danger (from both animals and humans). Constantly battling the worst nature can throw at him, Forell makes his way, step by step towards Prussia and the longed-for freedom. Sometimes riding on trains, sometimes by boat, mostly on foot, he never knows if his next step won't be his last. His prosecutor Kamenev is always right behind him, and more than once it seems that Forell is captured again...
真实地残酷。你离家不远了,只差一万公里。as far as my feet carry me。As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me。不能说,一说全是痛。《极地重生》和《第九日》。一个诺言。那些震撼的逃亡之路。《极地重生》之影评--什么是追求!。你离家不远了,只差一万公里。