异度空间的剧情介绍,章昕(林嘉欣 饰)得知房东的妻儿死于泥石流后,总会看见她们的鬼魂,令男友无法忍受折磨离她而去,无奈之下,她求助于心理医师阿占(张国荣 饰)。阿占清楚知道章昕所见不过是因长久孤闭所生幻觉,开始竭尽全能帮助她,终使其慢慢脱离了种种恐怖的意想。两人在这一过程中渐渐生出感情。 <br /> 当置身阿占的生活空间时,章昕发现阿占有诸多怪异举动,调查过后,发现他患有严重的精神分裂,一到晚上某时即被幻象所困痛不欲生。为了让爱人回归正常,章昕决定帮助他赶走心里的魔障。
This is the story of Yan, a young woman haunted by fleeting images of what she believes to be dead people. Told that it is all in her mind by her psychologist Jim, Yan still cannot find any other explanations for her visions. Soon, her suspicions are confirmed when Jim begins seeing the same things she does and the two begin to unravel a mystery that leads to a forgotten past.