活跳尸2的剧情介绍,荷拔韦斯医生和他的助手丹凯恩再次尝试使死人复活,他们找来密斯科汤尼克医学院大屠杀的死人肢体,这次要把丹前任女友的心脏,放进“组装完美”的身体里,试图重造他的女友,但却发生意想不到的结果,而希尔医生只剩下一只头颅回来复仇。 <br /> 这第二部比第一部更加变本加厉的离奇夸张:接在小狗身上的人手、眼球和手指组合的恶心怪物以及插上两只蝙蝠翅膀而会飞的人头等都让观看影片的观众张大了嘴,尤其影片最后的高潮部分“拼凑美女”更是让我们沉醉于无限的惊恐与恶心当中。
In Peru, Dr. Herbert West and Dr. Dan Cain are medical volunteers in a civil war with the assistant Francesca Danelli and they are researching how to create human life from dead tissue using wounded soldiers as guinea pigs. They return to Miskatonic Hospital and Dan treats a terminal patient, Gloria, and gets close to her. When the snoopy Lt. Leslie Chapham investigates the Miskatonic Massacre, he learns that body parts are missing in the morgue, and Herbert and Dan become his prime suspects. But Herbert kills the lieutenant and revives him with the serum. Meanwhile, Dr. Graves finds the head of Dr. Carl Hill and the green substance that the deceased doctor stole from Herbert, and uses the serum to resurrect Dr. Hill's head. When Gloria dies, Herbert and Dan use her head, with Meg's heart and parts of other women to create the perfect woman. But Lt. Chapham teams up with Dr. Hill to seek revenge against the crazy scientists.
冲着美女Fabiana Udenio找过来的 第二部没啥新意 只剩各种干尸继续恶心人
五年之后的Dr West一点变化都没...那段tissue rejection我了个草!碾炸了!!!掏心的那段居然看了有点伤感(。大家如果仔细看最后那堆僵尸,会发现有只玩具白猫(。特别显眼(。蝙蝠头颅笑死了哈哈哈哈哈黑色飞贼(?)23333