Killer bees from South America have been breeding with the gentler bees of more northern climes, slowly extending their territory northward decade after decade. Entomologist Brad Crane has discovered that something is making them come together in huge, killer swarms. He wants to keep the General Slater from using military tactics from further upsetting the balance of nature as they join to try to stop the swarms from approaching Houston.
The Swarm
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居然是1978年的- -
良好 科幻片 恐怖片
此片當年上映的口碑和票房都大慘敗 且上映版本片長剪去近四十分鐘 但似乎短版更好一點但還是很差勁 災難片大師Irwin Allen自此片開始走下災難片神壇 故事拿非洲化蜜蜂大作文章 但全片的最大災難就是拖演員全都是佈景 唯一亮點就只剩jerry goldsmith的配樂了