明星秘史的剧情介绍,奎妮· 凯莉从小就是个美女,住在加尔各答,母亲是英国和印度混血,父亲是英国人,在支援加尔各答铁路开通之后,就一去不返了,奎妮由母亲和外祖母以及舅舅带大,奎妮长得一副白人脸孔,身材又好,五官标致。 在那里她以白人自居,隐藏了自己黑人的血统......
In the early 20th century colonial India, young beautiful Anglo-Indian girl Queenie, who easily passes for white, lives with her caring Indian mother and stepfather. However, the local British aristocracy considers her tainted and often makes her life miserable. Her stepfather works as a sax player in the local elite British club which pays so well that his family can afford to enjoy the typical western upper middle class lifestyle. Unfortunately, Queenie's life is anything but easy and it's only getting harder. She's constantly bullied at the local British school for girls she attends by her racist female peers. The old creepy pastor who teaches the girls religion as well as English offers her some private lessons. Racially charged riots break out and her family's home is attacked. Corrupt racist British official and dirty old man Sir Burton Rumsey blackmails her for sex after he catches her stepfather with his socialite wife. Eventually, Queenie and her stepfather are forced to runaway to England. He's unable to find work there due to racism and turns to drinking. She finds work at a popular local night club as an erotic dancer and quickly becomes the main attraction which she enjoys. The club's sleazy manager Dimitri Goldner introduces her to a young photographer who fancies her. She later also meets an old rich filmmaker, David Konig, who suggests that she stars in his next big hit as Dawn Avalon. His manager and best friend Aaron Diamond approves. Meanwhile, Rumsey's conceited, oblivious and vengeful daughter tries to track Queenie down and put her in jail. The story is very loosely inspired by the real life 1930s Hollywood actress Merle Oberon.
【译制资料参考】明星秘史(美国1987年 中国电影发行放映公司发行)。
那黄色的连衣裙幼儿园暑假,至少看过两遍,印象深刻!上海14频道,说实话,我太怀念这个频道了!!这片子给我印象蛮厉害的,一直当她是“yellow 片”~~http://item.taobao.com/auction/item_detail-0db2-6fbb522b647466d00af93f052cfd0cd9.jhtml
很小的时候看的一部片子,美学启蒙片。女主角Mia Sara美得不可方物,气质超然,难以忘怀。永远记住了这位女演员。演摄影师Lucien的英国演员Gary Cady虽然在这部片子里只是一名配角,也给我留下了很深的印象,永远记得他的一头金发和那种优雅英伦范,只可惜在其他电影中再也见不到他的身影,好莱坞那个时候可真没少埋没英国演员....