戏梦巴黎的剧情介绍,1968年法国学运前夕,孪生姐弟伊莎贝拉(伊娃•格林)和雷奥(路易斯•加瑞尔)因为电影,与来自美国的留学生马休(迈克尔•皮特)成为好朋友。姐弟两人将马休带到家中做客时,马休得到两人同是大学教授的父母的喜爱,住进他们家中,慢慢地,他喜欢上伊莎贝拉。 <br /> 学运开始后大学停课,三个年轻人因无所事事在房间里玩起有关电影导演和台词的游戏,游戏进行当中,伊莎贝拉知晓马休对她有意思,联合雷奥要求马休与她做爱,自此,由于父母出门度假,三人开始了如伊甸园般的日子,马休也慢慢发现伊莎贝拉和雷奥有不伦恋情,三人关系开始发生微妙的变化,而外面正如火如荼进行着的学运,似乎与他们无关。
Paris, spring 1968. While most students take the lead in the May 'revolution', a French poet's twin son Theo and daughter Isabelle enjoy the good life in his grand Paris home. As film buffs they meet and 'adopt' modest, conservatively educated Californian student Matthew. With their parents away for a month, they drag him into an orgy of indulgence of all senses, losing all of his and the last of their innocence. A sexual threesome shakes their rapport, yet only the outside reality will break it up.