酒精的真相的剧情介绍,A&E doctor Javid Abdelmoneim is on a mission to find out the truth about alcohol, including why the government cut the recommended weekly limit for men by a third in January.
Dr. <a href="/name/nm8226511?ref_=tt_stry_pl">Javid Abdelmoneim</a>, an emergency room physician at St. Mary's Hospital in London, admits he likes an occasional alcoholic drink, despite seeing his fair share of alcohol related health issues in his work. With the federal government's new guidelines of no more than fourteen units of alcohol a week as being low risk for both men and women, he goes on a quest to find out what effect consuming alcohol truly does have on humans. He himself gets measured to see if his alcohol consumption in a typical week in his life is within that guideline, and what effect the drinking over his lifetime has had thus far on the health of his liver, the organ most negatively affected by alcohol. He goes to a local pub to conduct an experiment on the short term effect of alcohol on the mind, such as on cognitive ability. Without the subjects touching a drop of alcohol, he then tries to answer the question of why certain people get drunk faster than others. Beyond the calories contained in alcohol, he ...
酒的真相 观影知识点笔记。
呵呵,我无论如何怎么节制都会超过14units a week 的