内特和耶利米的设计 第一季的剧情介绍,帥哥設計師二人組奈特柏格斯(Nate Berkus)和老公傑若米布倫特(Jeremiah Brent),決定協助那些在房子裝修超過預算、又超過預期完工時間的家庭,另闢新路。結合他們專業的設計天賦和令人無法抗拒的魅力,兩位新手爸爸將引導觀眾,把惱人錢坑搖身變成大師傑作。鏡頭跟著兩位忙碌的室內設計師,在工作和家庭之間忙裡忙外,同時也投入心血到自家的居家設計。此系列節目讓觀眾一窺奈特和傑若米的私人生活,見識兩位才華洋溢設計夥伴的合作無間。via:TLC
Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent will help a client whose money pit of a house has them on the brink of financial ruin and at each other's throats. Using their undeniable eyes for style, home redesign, and house renovation, they will turn the money pit into a prize.