血腥堡垒的剧情介绍,受害者和攻击者的角色也可能在转瞬之间调换,也许你并不相信这个难以置信的理论。当一个学校的老师和孩子们本来过着安宁的生活,却被绑架的匪徒拖入到绝望的边缘,最后引发出惊人的反抗力以及这些不法之徒最后遭受的血腥复仇 <br /> 暴力的施受双方都是暴力的牺牲品
"Fortress" explores a shocking concept which shows how easily a borderline between a victim and an attacker can be crossed. The children and the teacher, calm and peaceful by nature, when driven beyond their limits by the kidnappers, eventually respond with a cruelty and fury extending that of their oppressors.