复活岛的剧情介绍,本片根据二战时期的真实历史事件改编,讲述了日本偷袭珍珠港期间,美国与日本在威克岛上展开了惨烈战争。美军在威克岛上安置了强大的炮火,欲阻止日军对太平洋地区的侵犯。但是,珍珠事件的爆发改变了一切。偷袭珍珠港成功的日军在返航途中,用强大的火力对威克岛发起猛烈的进攻。守岛的美军官兵浴血奋战,最终寡不敌众,惨败于敌军手下…… <br /> 获1943年奥斯卡4项提名,获1942年纽约影评人协会最佳导演奖。
In November 1941, Major Caton takes command of the small Marine garrison on Wake Island. His tendency toward spit and polish upsets the men's tropical lassitude, but Pearl Harbor changes everything. Soon the island is attacked and the Marines pull together day by day; but how long can they hold out?