紫檀巷的剧情介绍,一年前,美丽的知名写手和电台心理医生索妮·布雷克(萝丝·麦克格温 Rose McGowan 饰)遭遇了人生中的一大悲剧,她孤独居住在大城市郊外的父亲酒后跌落地下室,尸体很久后才被发现。经历了一年的情感与事业沉浮,索妮搬到了父亲位于紫檀巷的空房子。这里远离大都会的喧嚣,让他疲累的心灵得到纾缓。可是好景不长,某天索妮在做完晚间节目后回到家中,却发现有人闯入的痕迹。骚扰她的似乎是当地一个报童,那名俊朗切担着一股阴冷气息的少年之后又闯进了索妮的地下室。 <br /> 种种迹象表明,索妮父亲的死亡与着千丝万缕的联系。她的生活被引入了一场噩梦之中……
The psychiatrist and host of the radio talk show Talk Line, Dr. Sonny Blake, returns to Rosewood Lane, in Stillwater, one year after the death of her father to live in his house. Sonny was raised with brutality by her father and is a traumatized woman that was submitted to therapy by Dr. Cloey. Sonny's boyfriend, the DA Barrett Tanner, helps her to bring her things to her new home. On the arrival, her next door neighbor advises Sonny that the paperboy is a dangerous weirdo. Sonny finds that the paperboy has broken in her house and might have killed her father, but Detectives Briggs and Sabatino do not believe on Sonny and think that it is her imagination. When Barrett is attacked and is missing, Sonny and her friend Paula Crenshaw call the police but he is not found in the house. Is Sonny freaking out or is the paperboy an evil being?
导演也许是想表达一个深刻的主线思想,不过不得不说手法有待提高。哦,对那些指着别人说你们看不懂就是s13的人,只能送你们两个字,无知。喜装X人士勿入。看的我云里雾里~。没办法、像我这种浅薄的人都是看不懂这么高深的电影的。吐槽@( ̄- ̄)@不值得推敲的片子。一步前言不搭后语的电影,BOSS的一句话可能是该片的线索。惊悚片不等于不靠谱。人吓人 更可怕。意境非常深的电影。这个电影如果没看懂的话,就是这个导演厉害之处!。
三胞胎 无因的邪恶 但是电影很多情节没交代和暗示没交待够 难道还要拍续集不成