花园里的萤火虫的剧情介绍,童年时代的悲惨遭遇让迈克尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)和父亲查尔斯(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)之间有着深深的隔阂,如今已经是一位知名小说家的迈克尔刚刚完成了一本名叫《花园里的萤火虫》的小说,这本小说记载了他童年的全部伤痛。 <br /> 母亲丽莎(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)终于完成大学的喜讯让迈克尔回到了家乡,这里有他所熟悉的一切,亦有让他痛苦不已的往昔。不幸的是,当迈克尔踏进家门之时,等待着他的却是母亲在车祸中不幸丧生的噩耗,看着悲痛的父亲,迈克尔开始重新思考起亲情的意义。对于迈克尔的新书,父亲暴跳如雷,他将它看作是儿子对于自己的控诉,矛盾重新在父子两人之间爆发开来。
A family with an abusive father, a sensitive son, and a mother out of her depth: we see them when Michael is about 12 and when he's in his 30's, a writer of romance novels, going home for his mother and sister's college graduations. We go back and forth between the two periods: when Michael is a boy, the pressure builds until a break is threatened and there's a fight; during his trip home, there's an unexpected death, and renewed relationships between father and son, Michael and his aunt, and Michael and his aunt's young children. Michael's estranged wife joins them for the funeral.
既有爱也有污秽凄苦。Fireflies in the Garden。父子关系是个永远的话题。性格可以要命。影片最美的 大概就只是名字。冤冤相报何时了。家庭教育真的很重要。以爱的名义。Moved-written on June 29, 2009。主题不变的亲情。
那段和阿姨的故事有点模糊 总体还算可以吧~