黑帮大佬的剧情介绍,由Gabe Turne执导、Rizzle Kicks的成员Harley Alexander-Sule倾情出演的暴力惊悚片《黑帮大佬》讲述了两代伦敦黑帮的冲突,揭示了犯罪生活的险恶和无可奈何。 <br /> 近期,黑帮交易的冲突不断升级,交易的工具也从刀片发展到枪支武器。当得知老朋友不幸受到攻击时,金盆洗手的黑帮大佬(Doug Allen饰演)不得不重出江湖捍卫黑帮。随着事件的升级,一系列秘密也浮出了水面,黑帮大佬的美好生活也就此破碎了
The Guvnors is both love letter and hate mail to the alpha male. This story's alpha is Mitch who lives buried in suburban London, having turned his back on his previous life of casual violence and intimidation as part of a legendary South East London firm. In the modern day he's the doyen of respectability and quiet confidence, but Mitch used to be a Guv'nor. This film holds a mirror up to Mitch and shows him the monster once again, buried deep in both DNA and psyche, desperate to break out and wreak havoc.
i am your father
没字幕 看的好累