纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子的剧情介绍,邪恶的勋爵弥若兹(塞吉·卡斯特里图)害死了自己的兄长,并长久挟制王子凯斯宾(本·巴恩斯),伺机篡位。迫于弥若兹的谋害,凯斯宾在深夜逃离城堡,奔向纳尼亚丛林深处。在敌人的追击下,凯斯宾慌张的吹响了号角。 <br /> 在另一个世界,彼得(威廉·莫斯里)、苏珊(安娜·帕波维尔 )、埃蒙德(斯堪德·凯恩斯)和露西(乔基·亨莉)四人已成为伦敦街头的普通学生。可是号角的吹响,让他们再次感到纳尼亚的呼唤。1300年后,受制于台尔马人的纳尼亚,正等待国王和女王的拯救。
A year has passed by since the Pevensie children stepped through the wardrobe. In Narnia, centuries have passed since the defeat of the White Witch. Now the foursome are sent back to Narnia to find that everything was destroyed and the Narnia they once knew is gone forever. They come to aid the young Prince Caspian, who is leading a group of Old Narnians to wage war against his malicious uncle Miraz, who rules Narnia with an iron fist. Will they succeed? When will Aslan return?
大波波弓箭手。纳尼亚传奇·凯斯宾王子:信我者,得永生。带着童心体验信仰之旅。NO NEED TO SAY GOODBYE。By Faith 因着信。告别童年。在敌人面前摆设筵席:《纳尼亚传奇Ⅱ》。纳尼亚:等待和希望。有点小黑暗,有点小拖沓。你看到阿斯兰了吗?。