无人之地的剧情介绍,In this TV adaptation of the Harold Pinter classic, a seedy poet (Gielgud) shows up at the home of a rich writer (Richardson) and they start reminiscing about the "past."
A seedy ostensible poet, Spooner, visits the home of his wealthy and successful counterpart, Hirst. Their conversation suggests that they have come there after meeting in a pub. Further conversation suggests that they knew each other at university and share acquaintances and perhaps even lovers. Hirst's associates/assistants Foster and Briggs do their best to intimidate Spooner.
天哪John Gielgud果然是个珍宝!他给spooner增加了好些层面,那种张力一直非常紧绷,几乎散发出恶意。。另外这一版的中年人角色很贴合,特别是听spooner讲去开会那一段,不觉得这人物放置得奇怪了。
第一幕 赫斯特畅谈时候,如同与他相对坐着他的年轻状态,中间有一块巨大的但是有形的透明玻璃格挡,每句言语都不自觉地在格挡的中央打开一个时空的小圈而倾泻一些能量。看不懂的戏剧
I was mistaken. There was no one there. It’s no man’s land.