花与爱丽丝的剧情介绍,自小一起长大的少女花(铃木杏)与艾丽斯(苍井优)是一对亲密好友,但两人性格迥异,艾丽斯活泼好动,见爱就追,花则天性害羞,不敢同喜欢的男生讲话。在每天陪伴艾丽斯尾随其一见钟情的高校男生时,花也偷偷恋上了经常与该男生结伴同行的宫本。 <br /> 花与艾丽斯双双考进宫本所念书的高校,花也设法成为了宫本所在的相声社团的社员。某次意外令宫本患上短暂性的“记忆丧失”,花趁机编出其是宫本曾开口示爱的对象,两人谈起伪恋爱。眼看谎言越撒越多接近无法收场,花情急之中把艾丽斯拉了进来,不想她自己成了“电灯泡”。
Upon entering high school, two best friends named Hana and Alice notice a boy a year older them while waiting for the train, and they both develop a pretty strong crush on him. One day while secretly following him home, Hana witnesses the boy walk right into a wall and pass out. When he wakes up, she lies and convinces him that he must have amnesia, because he doesn't remember the fact that she was his girlfriend. After this, hilarity ensues as the two girls attempt to run with the lie. Of course, complications soon arise.
All About Hana&Alice。温暖的线索。岩井俊二的童话。徜徉游弋的时间姿态。女孩子们。推荐一篇影评。慵懒的青春。啊诺,你知道怎么用中文说“我爱你”么?。那些想要对你说的话。暖暖的,朦胧的。