咱们结婚吧的剧情介绍,始终找不到真正想要人生的女孩文艺(郭碧婷 饰)独自踏上路途,前往意大利参加小提琴比赛,在那里她遇到了地陪李想(李晨 饰)。短短几天的相处,令她的内心发生了变化。风流倜傥的副机长凌霄(郑恺 饰)和担任地勤的女友顾小蕾(陈意涵 饰)同居多年,可是面对小蕾及对方父母的结婚要求,他却望而却步。某酒店的烤鸭师傅曹大鹏(王自健 饰)对担任主管的老婆田海心(刘涛 饰)言听计从,海心好不容易得到事业的转机,却发现自己怀孕,这也成为夫妻俩战争的导火索。曾有过一段伤心爱情经历的叶雯雯(高圆圆 饰)是某婚纱店的店长,她拒绝旧爱(明道 饰)的示好,全身心地为新人们准备精美的婚纱,全然没有注意到婚纱设计师陈震轩(姜武 饰)充满挚爱和关怀的目光。 <br /> 繁华的都市中,男男女女为了各自的爱情兀自奔忙……
Wenwen, the owner of a bridal boutique, longs to find Mr. Right and walk down the aisle in one of her beautiful wedding gowns. Yi Wen, a violinist, wavers over her engagement after meeting a mysterious man in a foreign country. Lei Xiao, an airport employee, tries to force her pilot boyfriend to marry her. And Hai Xin, a successful business woman, finds herself in a broken marriage and unexpectedly pregnant. Based on the hugely popular Chinese TV series of the same name, Let's Get Married follows the lives of four couples looking for love and to find that special someone to say "I do." Stars Yuan Yuan Gao, Wu Jiang, Yi Han Chen, Kai Zheng, Bi Ting Guo, Chen Li, Tao Liu and Zi Jian Wang.
无关柴米的爱情。兄弟异命姜文武,烂片歌神王铮亮。。为了女神交了把智商税。这是一个不结婚,就关机的故事。形形色色的爱情。刘江 一切都是最好的安排。咱们吐槽吧。别等到越过山丘,才发现无人等候。三十岁失意失恋大龄女青年,去国外风景区待几天,人生焕然一新了,还能碰到高富帅。。。国内剧神设定。原以为爱情没有,还好我终于等到你了。