京骚戏画的剧情介绍,在人类、妖怪、混沌三种势力相互并存争斗的世界里,伴随着现实总数和负熵的崩溃。从杰巴沃克的迷宫中逃离的美少女筝,在持续追寻着“黑兔”的踪影,另外还有各种各样的人们跟筝一样也在追寻着“黑兔”。在时间静止的京都这个舞台上,一场幻想动作剧即将上演。 <br /> 《京骚戏画》是由日本动画公司东映动画制作的原创电视动画作品,于2013年10月2日播放,全13话。 <br /> 动画《京骚戏画》(京騒戯画(きょうそうぎが)原是Banpresto和东映动画首次合作的OVA作品,在推出第2弹后人气很高因此决定推出TV动画,动画内容是2话总集篇、1话特别篇,以及全新的10话TV内容。
Everything was peaceful until Myoue and Koto suddenly vanished. Their three children are left to take care of the city, and Yakushimaru inherits Myoue's name and duties. Stranded in this alternate world, their problems only get worse when a young girl-also named Koto-crashes down from the sky and declares that she is also looking for the older Myoue and Koto. Armed with a giant hammer and two rowdy familiars, Koto just might be the key to releasing everyone from the eternal paper city.