火线反攻的剧情介绍,勇猛果敢的杰里米·科曼(乔什·杜哈明 Josh Duhamel 饰)是一名备受欢迎的消防员,某晚在执行完任务后,他进入便利店购物,却遭遇率领手下抢夺地盘的黑帮头子戴维·黑根(文森特·诺费奥 Vincent D'Onofrio 饰),店长及其家人被杀,杰里米侥幸逃脱。之后他作为证人指认凶手,但对戴维为人极其了解的警官迈克·塞拉(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)劝说杰里米接受证人保护,并隐姓埋名,以防止遭到戴维的无情报复。但是他的行踪很快被戴维一伙发现,他与女友塔莉亚(罗莎里奥·道森 Rosario Dawson 饰)遭到伏击,女友更身受重伤。 <br /> 穷凶极恶的戴维,势要将杰里米逼向死路,困兽犹斗,杰里米展开绝死反抗……
After witnessing the brutal murders of a convenience store owner and his son, firefighter Jeremy Coleman barely escapes with his life. As he is forced to testify against the crime lord, Hagan, he is placed in the witness protection program under the watch of the U.S. Marshals. When his new identity becomes compromised Jeremy is forced to take an unexpected course of action in order to get his life back and save the lives of those he loves.
50分,你弱爆了。洗洗睡。。好 自己的事自己解决。将就吧——2012/Fire with Fire/以火攻火。巧妙地利用了消防专业概念。简单粗暴。爆米花电影。无语了...。Ain't No Bruce Willis Anymore。。消防员的纵火神话。
【飘域家园】火线反攻.Fire With Fire (2014上映)