史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈的剧情介绍,A conversation with Steve Jobs as he was running NeXT, the company he had founded after leaving Apple.
A conversation with Steve Jobs as he was running NeXT, the company he had founded after leaving Apple.
人类头脑的自行车(访谈摘录)。一个让我看到为人魅力的真正的天才。写程序就像写作 程序员其实就是作家。产品、公司和品位。记录下目前对taste的理解。禁果、弃儿与弑父:乔布斯造手机的幻想含义。《Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview》引发思考的关键词不完全总结。Note for Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview。一个计算机时代的传播者。完美诠释了什么叫Keep hungry。
"I view computer science as a liberal arts."
That's the American Idol!!“Ultimately it comes down to taste."不黑微软会死啊哈哈哈笑死我了。