长翅膀的猪的剧情介绍,故事发生在巴勒斯坦,一个名叫贾法尔(赛森·加百 Sasson Gabai 饰)的渔夫拾得了一头体型巨大的猪,在贾法尔的宗教信仰里,猪是罪恶和肮脏的化身,为了解决这罪恶,他决定将这头罕见的奇猪卖掉。然而,贾法尔的朋友们却并不这么想,剃头匠劝贾法尔利用这个机会成名大赚一笔,农妇伊莲娜(马里亚姆·特凯亚 Myriam Tekaïa 饰)却坚持要让头猪传宗接代。 <br /> 一边想着将猪脱手,一边还要向妻子隐瞒这个秘密,霎时间,贾法尔陷入了两难的境地。然而事情并非表面上看起来的那样简单,贾法尔和他的猪的名声远传越远,当地的宗教激进分子认定贾法尔是教徒中的叛徒而对其进行了逮捕和囚禁。
After a tempest, fishermen do not find only fish in their nets. That is what happens to Jafaar, a poor fisherman who lives poorly in Gaza. And what he hauls in is really upsetting : imagine that, a pig! An unclean animal judged impure not only by the Faith of Islam but also by the Jewish religion. Determined to get rid of the animal, Jafaar tries desperately to sell it, first to a United Nations official, then to a Jewish colony where Yelena raises pigs not for their meat but for security reasons. Of course, going unnoticed in the company of a "forbidden" animal, among his Palestinian brothers, past Israeli soldiers and under the scrutiny of Islamic fundamentalists is no bed of roses and a series of misadventures await Jafaar....
飞来的是一头猪么?。彼岸不在远处,而在脚下。。影评练习10。《长翅膀的猪》:一头猪的和平演变。人类需要翅膀。飞天^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^猪。上苍给他一只猪。什么是真正的hard模式。《长翅膀的猪》。有毛冇翼飛天豬首映觀後感。