幼儿园的剧情介绍,湖北武汉一家全托制寄宿幼儿园,一群天真无邪的可爱孩子在镜头前展现他们最真实的一面。他们会为了对父母的依恋而大声哭闹、会为了和小朋友偶然的争执大打出手、会为了穿不上衣服以及摆不好椅子而脾气大发、也会为了星期四和星期五的先后顺序讨论不休。孩子的心中没有对错,就如同一张等待书写的白纸却又不可避免地被强加了许多来自大人的既定价值观。孩子无所顾忌的言语,似乎也折射出一些不难捉摸的意味…… <br /> 本片2001年5月开始筹拍,经过3、4个月观察和准备于当年9月正式拍摄,历时14个月前期拍摄工作结束,于2004年3月正式完成后期制作,影片荣获第十届上海国际电视节最佳人文纪录片创意奖、2004年广州国际纪录片大会纪录片大奖。
Shot over 14 months, this film records the everyday lives of children at a boarding kindergarten in Wuhan, Hubei Province. It shows how they experience an education overburdened with social and historical background. It catches their moments of laughter and happiness, their struggles against setbacks that they do not always understand, their thoughts about issues that arise both in their own and in the adult world. It is a film that makes everyone laugh, but the naivety of the children is always shown from their own perspective. Deep insights are embedded in the seemingly light-hearted scenes and not only about childhood. For the film is also a metaphor for the adult world. As the opening line of the film says: "They are our children, but maybe they are us ourselves".