昨日奇迹的剧情介绍,杰克(希米什·帕特尔 Himesh Patel 饰)是一个名不见经传的小歌手,除了他的好友艾利(莉莉·詹姆斯 Lily James 饰)以外,没有一个人相信他能够出名。一场意外中,杰克震惊的发现自己被传送到了某个平行世界中,在这个世界里,披头士未曾存在过,这也就意味着,杰克是这个世界里唯一知道这支乐队,听过他们的作品的人。 <br /> 于是,杰克开始表演披头士的歌曲,并且将它们占为己有,果不其然,这支历史上最伟大的乐队的歌曲很快就令杰克名利双收,他一举成为了当时全球最火的音乐创作人。然而,在最初的兴奋感平息之后,杰克发现,自己竟再也无法创作出属于自己的音乐了,只能沦为可怜的复读机,这显然不是他想要的结果,于是杰克开始想方设法寻找回到正常世界里的方法。
In Lowestoft UK, Jack Malik is a frustrated musician whose musical career is going nowhere despite the faith that his friend/manager Ellie Appleton has in him. However, on the night Jack decides to give up, the whole world is momentarily hit with a massive blackout during which Jack is hit by a bus. Upon regaining consciousness, Jack learns to his astonishment that he is apparently now the only one who knows the music of the Beatles. Realizing this improbable opportunity, Jack begins playing the music of the greatest of the rock bands, claiming it as his own. It pays off quickly and Jack becomes a worldwide musical sensation. However, Jack finds himself drifting away from Ellie, only realizing his love for her when she has become intimidated by his success, which depends on a blatant plagiarization that no one could find out. Now, Jack must make a fundamental moral decision about his music to satisfy his conscience as he decides what he truly needs.
《昨日奇迹》披头士梗+彩蛋大全(涉嫌严重剧透)。小众的约翰列侬。这应该是我们对待当下糟糕的世界的态度:心存美好、善良、不伪善、乐观、以及勇敢。手拉手唱黄色潜水艇,我感觉就跟过年一样。yesterday。yesterday, love is an easy game to play。Good music doesn't make good movie。我们想去Abbey Road。一封写给Beatles和英伦摇滚乐迷的情书。功成名就是寻回初心的必要条件。