淘气精灵的剧情介绍,木匠麦坎脾气古怪又命蹇时乖,被一个混混偷走了毕生积蓄,孤苦一人住在一个小镇上。一天一位吸毒妇女死在他的家门口,真够霉的!还好老天可怜,在阴差阳错之下他收养了一个非常可爱的小女孩。做一个好爸爸可是很辛苦的事,这位超级父亲运用各手段,养大了古灵精怪的女儿。 谁知好事多磨,又有人要来抢回他的心肝宝贝!只是这回,虎父无犬女……
Michael McCann is a man who feels totally betrayed by the world, after his wife revealed to him that their child was not his. A few years after his break-up we find him living alone in a small town. But, everything in his miserable life changes when he adopts a little girl whose mother died outside his house. After several years, the real father returns to claim the girl from Michael, thinking that she will be an advantage for his political career.