哭泣宝贝的剧情介绍,绰号“哭泣宝贝”的维德•沃克(Johnny Depp 约翰尼•德普 饰)流下的眼泪具有慰籍心灵的功效,这个一文不名的年轻人每天和好友们过着虽不富裕却欢乐常在的生活。不过在那些好好少年看来,维德他们不过是一群打架斗殴、惹是生非的阿飞。 <br /> 某天,维德结识了乖乖女艾丽逊(Amy Locane 艾米•洛肯 饰),两人共坠爱河,这令倾慕艾丽逊的那群“品学兼优”的好学生们的嫉妒和憎恨。他们结伴向维德一派发起攻击,两个相爱之人就这样一次次被迫卷入纷争之中。他们的爱情能否经受这些磨难的考验?
Allison is a "square" good girl who has decided she wants to be bad and falls hard for Cry-Baby Walker, a Greaser (or "Drape" in John Waters parlance). Spoofing Elvis movies and Juvenile Delinquency scare films of the '50s, this movie follows the adventures of Cry-Baby who, though he is sent to juvie, is determined to cross class (and taste) boundaries to get Allison back.
没有谁能够阻挡。Johnny Depp的早期电影。帅。关掉视频房间瞬间清静的感觉。不要回头。美中不足。