家族情仇的剧情介绍,故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市纽约,李奥(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)终于结束了他的铁窗生涯,刑满释放,回归了社会,他已经不再想去洗清自己身上所蒙受的不白之冤,只想珍惜所剩不多的时间,做一个平凡的人。 <br /> 李奥来到了叔叔弗兰克(詹姆斯·卡恩 James Caan 饰)所经营的车厂工作,这个李奥的家族世世代代经营的车厂让李奥能够卸下所有的心防,做一个真实的自己。和朋友威利(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)、艾瑞卡(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)等人的重逢令李奥觉得自己离理想生活越来越近。然而事与愿违,一个李奥无意之中发现的秘密让他再度成为众矢之的,而这一次,他所要面对的敌人正是他的家人们。
In the rail yards of Queens, contractors repair and rebuild the city's subway cars. These contracts are lucrative, so graft and corruption are rife. When Leo Handler gets out of prison, he finds his aunt married to Frank Olchin, one of the big contractors; he's battling with a minority-owned firm for contracts. Willie Gutierrez, Leo's best friend, is Frank's bag man and heads a crew of midnight saboteurs who ruin the work of the Puerto Rican-owned firm. Leo needs a job, so Willie pays him to be his back-up. Then things go badly wrong one night, a cop IDs Leo, and everyone now wants him out of the picture. Besides his ailing mom and his cousin Erica, to whom can Leo turn?
《The Yards》。莎士比亚+荷马。《家族情仇》。
真觉得没什么出彩的地方……BD-Rip 11/09/09
还是延续上一部的风格 当中Mark去医院杀目击警官的那段和教父中那个场景好像 害得我小鸡动一把。。。
James Gray总有一种化腐朽为神奇的能力,一个通俗的剧本在他手里瞬间变得充满史诗感,全因他的手法和影像太迷人了。不过三个大牌在片中的表现也差太远了吧!