血溅十三号警署的剧情介绍,在少数族裔聚集的加州安德森,一个星期六的凌晨,六名帮派成员被警方击毙。他们的同伙发誓为他们报仇。同一天的下午,警督毕邵普(Austin Stoker 饰)受命看守一间即将废弃的警局,另一方面,在加州的洛克卢塞斯监狱中,以穷凶极恶的罪犯拿破仑·威尔逊(Darwin Joston 饰)为首的三名罪犯将被押解到另间监狱。复仇的帮派团伙在路上随意射杀了一名小女孩,女孩的父亲将一名匪徒杀死,随后逃到毕邵普看守的警局,此时警局当中只有毕邵普和两个女文员,加之此前不久因押解囚犯半路急病,押解车转入这间警局临时停留。此时,警员和囚犯被外面埋伏的帮派分子围堵射杀,毕邵普决定借用威尔逊的力量抵挡警局外的暴徒……
Police ambush and kill several gang members in Los Angeles. Gang members make a pact of blood to strike back at police, and conduct a siege on the police station which is almost abandoned and due to be closed. Staff of the closing precinct and the criminals being held there while in transit must work together to fight off the attacking gang members.