残菊物语的剧情介绍,歌舞伎世家音羽屋第六代传人尾上菊之助(花柳章太郎 饰)苦恼万分,父亲菊五郎(河原崎権十郎 饰)对他的演艺功底大为不满,耻于称其为自己的传人;师兄弟和观众们也对他的评价颇差。然而这些人又都当面奉承,虚情假意。周围只有女佣阿德(森赫子 饰)敢于当面指出菊之助的不足,并真心希望他的表演能不断精进。阿德的诚实令菊之助大为感动,心中视其为难得的知己。 <br /> 但他们的友情却遭到身边人的猜疑,阿德被辞退回家。伤心的菊之助四处寻找,并决心不顾世俗的眼光娶阿德为妻…… <br /> 本片根据村松梢风同名小说改编,1939年电影旬报年度十佳评选第二名。
In Tokyo in 1888, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adoptive son of an important actor, discovers that he is praised for his acting only because he is his father's heir, and that the troupe complains how bad he is behind his back. The only person to talk to him honestly about his acting is Otoku, the wet-nurse of his adoptive father's child. She is fired by the family, and Kikunosuke is forbidden to see her, because of the gossip a relationship with a servant would cause. Kikunosuke falls in love with Otoku, and leaves home to try to make a living on his own merits outside Tokyo. He is eventually joined by Otoku, who encourages him to become a famous actor to regain the recognition of his family.
沟口健二含蓄婉转的“侧”描美学浅析。【其三】沟口健二的物语。《残菊物语》电影剧本。一个伟大女性的牺牲。FIFF9 | DAY2《残菊物语》两岸的灯火繁华,照进了陋室病榻,只剩下一盏孤灯。三说《残菊》 (不要问我为什么隔了快两个月才想起来写影评……)。《残菊物语》:如何不用女权主义来刻画女性,沟口健二给了最好的范本。圣母≈妈。《残菊物语》:爱的献祭。长镜头的张力。