The unforgettable true story chronicles the tumultuous three-month period in 1965, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to secure equal voting rights in the face of violent opposition. The epic march from Selma to Montgomery culminated in President Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the most significant victories for the civil rights movement. Director Ava DuVernay's "Selma" tells the story of how the revered leader and visionary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and his brothers and sisters in the movement prompted change that forever altered history.
They Hate Us 'Cuz They Ain't Us—引自《采访》。《塞尔玛》是主旋律电影?。背景介绍&影评:与美国种族现状形成讽刺性反差的民权主义大片。休闲看,会闷,专心看,感动!。从黑人没有选举权到黑人当了总统。走向黑人民主的一座里程碑。写在颁奖礼前夜。马丁路德金的个人传记以及如何推进议程的教科书。塞尔玛。