蜜月重温的剧情介绍,一晃眼,尼克(吉姆·布劳德本特 Jim Broadbent 饰)和梅格(琳赛·邓肯 Lindsay Duncan 饰)已经携手共同走过了数十年的婚姻生活,两人是彼此最熟悉的亲人和最亲密的朋友。充满了纪念意义的结婚纪念日即将到来,两人决定前往巴黎,曾经,他们在那里度过了充满了浓情蜜意的蜜月,希望这次故地重游能够唤回两人内心里渐渐熄灭的激情和回忆。 <br /> 然而,现实是残酷的。漫长的婚姻生活虽然将尼克和梅格紧紧的联系在一起,却也同时消磨了他们对于彼此的耐心和容忍,一路上,两人产生了大大小小的矛盾,气氛一度十分尴尬。一位老朋友的出现让尼克和梅格决定尝试着重新爱上对方,当他们怀抱着积极的态度来看待两人之间的感情时,一切似乎都开始朝着好的方向发展。
Meg, a teacher, and husband Nick, a philosophy lecturer who may just be about to get the push on the eve of retirement, spend a week-end in Paris to celebrate their thirtieth anniversary. He is staid, annoying his foul-mouthed wife who wants to turn the holiday into a series of exciting new experiences, booking into a hotel that stretches their budgets and running off from a restaurant without paying. She is also averse to his touching her and what was meant to be a belated second honeymoon is a depressing affair, full of arguments - including one about the son who has recently left home to live in squalor and whom Meg does not want to return. By chance they meet an old university friend of Nick, Morgan, an American high-flyer who invites them to a party where Meg can still turn men's heads and Nick has a conversation with Morgan's young son, leading him to believe that he is not as badly off as he had presumed. Ultimately there appears to be hope for the marriage.
以为是“before sunrise"之类的老清新作品 虽说还不错但还是有点失望 3星半的电影 老阿姨气质真好
Laissant derrière les clichés de cartes postales, le réalisateur opte pour explorer les agitations conjugales de ce vieux couple en pleine crise existentielle. La subtilité des dialogues et la justess...