午夜凶铃3:贞相大白的剧情介绍,“诅咒录像带”的传言甚嚣尘上,人们既好奇又恐惧,然而始终无人了解山村贞子的身世和悲惨经历:贞子(仲間由紀恵 饰)的母亲志津子(雅子 饰)即是一个灵能者,最终却死状凄惨。继承了母亲的灵能力的贞子生活中同样充满坎坷,长大后她辗转来到东京,在名为“飞翔”的剧团努力打拼。不久,剧团当家花旦叶月爱子(奥貫薫 饰)离奇身亡,贞子则匪夷所思取代了她的位置。因其与生俱来的诡异神秘气质,贞子受到团员的猜疑和疏离,唯有负责音响效果的远山博(田辺誠一 饰)对她心存友善。只是,渺小不堪的温暖无法拯救贞子悲惨的人生…… <br /> 本片根据鈴木光司原作改编,是《午夜凶铃》系列的第三部。
The prequel to the horror film Ringu, this movie provides the background story of how Sadako later became the vengeful murdering spirit. The story starts with her as a shy, somewhat withdrawn, college student who nonetheless gets involved in a drama club. The director thinks she has talent, but some of the other performers start to get jealous of the attention he gives her. Meanwhile, a reporter investigating Sadako's spiritualist mother thinks there's something very suspicious about the young woman, and arrives on campus to confront Sadako just as a series of strange deaths start sweeping through the drama club.
《贞相大白》:现代舞剧。贞子。升华。循环往复的新生。Ring 0。日本经典大ip恐怖片。真相大白。贞子VS伽椰子。--。贞子的幸运与不幸。