In this classic Agatha Christie detective story, former diplomat Charles Hayward has returned from Cairo to London to become a private detective. When Aristide Leonides, a wealthy and ruthless tycoon, is poisoned in his own bed, Detective Hayward is invited to solve the crime. As the investigation deepens he must confront the shocking realization that one of the key suspects is Aristede's beautiful granddaughter, his employer and former lover; and must keep a clear head to navigate the sultry Sophia and the rest of her hostile family.
侦探全程打酱油。原著才是王道!(影评,Crooked House)。凶手不是一个人,而是整个家族。这个恶的矛头不在于是谁下的手 而是人人都是罪人 人人都有动机。观众不开心,杀个编剧祭天……观众在狂欢,杀个编剧还愿!。还记得《X档案》的斯高莉探员吗?最近的新片里,她变成了这样!。外公死了,所有人都有嫌疑,最后居然是小女孩。。人性的阴暗与生俱来。电影语录。畸形屋中的畸形人。