药剂师的剧情介绍,在白天 Yan Lazarrec是一个性格温和,规矩本份的药剂师,但是在晚上,他却残酷的杀害那些污染环境,危害公众健康的人带有讽刺性地并且为每个人设计不同的死法。一个警察经过追查,慢慢把疑点集中到Yan身上……
In appearance, Yan Lazarrec is a peaceful for man. An ecological pharmacist, he relieves humanity with his potions and fights to protect it in the long haul against the polluters who are destroying it. François Barrier, a staunch environmentalist, but a cop above anything else, is investigating a series of murders. The two men meet and become friends at an ecological conference. They don't yet know they'll become enemies.