明星整人秀 第一季的剧情介绍,MTV主打reality show之一,jason和一帮mtv crew专门整好莱坞一群明星,寻开心。想法都蛮别出心裁的。为美国最受欢迎和知名度最高的整人节目之一。 <br /> -sonychen
What happens when the biggest stars in the world get too high on the Hollywood hog? When their bank accounts start swelling bigger than their heads? Master prankster Ashton Kutcher is there to PUNK 'em down to earth. It's a reality show with a twist as Asthon makes superstars suffer for your viewing pleasure. To misquote the acclaimed thespian Steven Seagal: "You guys think you're above the law...but you ain't above ours."
Ashton Kutcher的成就 1.Punk'd 2.Twitter 3.(his love for) Demi Moore.
ashton kutcher 小帅
随便看了两集 Ashton Kutcher 你点子可以再多点。。Dax Shepard 你这冲锋陷阵的怎么能忍住不笑的!!
现在看 太低级了