Si-hyun(<a href="/name/nm0453476?ref_=tt_stry_pl">Hye-su Kim</a>), the monetary policy manager at the Bank of Korea, predicts a massive national financial crisis and reports it to the Director. The Director doesn't schedule an emergency summit until 10 days later but does it without notifying the public of the situation. Si-hyun urges for the crisis to be announced in order to warn people of the looming disaster, but her plea is ignored. The summit is held behind closed doors. Jung-hak(<a href="/name/nm2584860?ref_=tt_stry_pl">Ah-in Yoo</a>), a financial consultant, notices Korea is suddenly hemorrhaging foreign funds, and he learns the reason is that international finance firms have ordered an all-out investment withdrawal from the country, which has caused the credit rating to plummet. He hands in his resignation and decides to play the odds on what he's sure is a coming crisis. He secretly starts gathering investors willing to do the same. Gap-su(<a href="/name/nm0401135?ref_=tt_stry_pl">Jun-ho Heo</a>), a family man who runs a small tableware factory, has a big break and wins a contract with a department store. The ...
韩国1997年金融危机的真实情况。叙事性可以的 中规中矩三条线。做个小科普,主要有些评论确实太恶心了。事大与独立。国家破产之日,滑天下之大稽。财富背后,总有犯罪。揭露韩国电影的真实面目。国家破产日之后韩国的经济发展后续。细节处理和演员表现很棒,观点略片面。韩国版《大空头》,重现97年金融危机惨状,韩国观众含泪看完。
可以說是警世電影。1997亞洲金融風暴,導致韓國破產,IMF入韓的始末。由三線匯集,後知後覺又急於掩蓋的政府。提早察知而豪賭一把的投機客。相信整體塑造出的"一切都會越來越好"的平民(在媒體一片欣欣向榮的氣氛中,85%認為自己是中產階級) 且不能叫"過去了的事情",而是連續的。20年後的現在,正是當年所塑成。犧牲大量中小企業與勞工權益,扶植財閥,造成經濟由其壟斷。小民的生存更加緊縮競爭。片中劉亞仁角...
看完最直接的感受:o we are really in the total animal soup of time. 本能会将这部和大空头比对。大空头按角色职能划分群像线索,人物推动情节,粗描底层遭遇,重在事件本身,警示意味浓;这部按阶级划分群像,在既定历史故事框架内填塞理想化的标志性角色,剧情自行“发生”,与角色有隔阂感,及这部细写国民遭遇和伤痕,斥责zf的无知与无能,说教感重。前者成熟流畅,后...