极度战栗的剧情介绍,尼克(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor 饰)和艾尔(Matt Day 饰)表面看来只是一对恩爱有加的平凡情侣,可实际上,他们是行走在江湖之中的雌雄大盗,两人天衣无缝的配合着犯下了屡屡罪案,始终未曾落入过恢恢的法网。 <br /> 一场意外中,两人在行窃的过程中失手杀了人,这可惹出了大麻烦。这起劫杀案很快就吸引了警方的注意,尼克和艾尔成为了众矢之的,无奈只得双双踏上逃亡的旅途。两人一路向西,来到了一间小旅馆投宿,可隔天早晨却发现旅馆老板被人杀害。之后,他们又来到了另一间破旧的旅店,结果悲剧重演,他们的手上又多了两条人命。屡屡发生的怪事让尼克和艾尔之间的信任逐渐分崩离析。
Two young scam artists rob their drugged victims after the woman is picked up in bars and taken to a hotel room. The only problem is that their latest victim dies. Looking at his stuff, they suddenly find a video tape with a former athlete sexually involved with a young boy. The woman contacts the athlete and sets off a series of murders in which they are incriminated and a chase across Australia led by the athlete, the police, and an aborigine tracker.