大侦探福尔摩斯:逃狱大追捕的剧情介绍,19世紀末,俠盜馬奇劫富濟貧,令蘇格蘭場疲於奔命,但福爾摩斯卻在其私生女凱蒂的生日會上將他擒獲。 四年後,馬奇襲擊獄中老大刀疤熊,並攀越圍牆逃脫。福爾摩斯知其另有苦衷,只好讓他完成心願後才帶他自首。但刀疤熊突然出現,更劍指凱蒂。福爾摩斯和華生為救無辜,聯同孖寶幹探李大猩和狐格森出手營救。一場生死大決戰在漫天花火中展開……深受歡迎的《大偵探福爾摩斯》圖書系列首度搬上大銀幕,知識與趣味並重,大人小朋友都不容錯過!
In the late 19th century, Mack, a heroic outlaw who stole from the rich to give to the poor, was loved and respected by the people, but he had long been a difficult case for the Yard. With the help of Sherlock, detective Gordon Gorilla Riller and Carlson Fox finally managed to catch Mack at his daughter Katie's birthday party. But Sherlock was then reviled by the people for arresting their hero. Four years later, Mack fights with the notorious Scarface in prison, and then climbs over the wall to escape. While tracking down Mack, Sherlock discovers Mack's heart-breaking reason behind his escape, and decides to let him fulfill his final wish before he would voluntarily surrender to the police. However, Scarface suddenly appears and kidnaps Katie. Sherlock and Watson team up with Gordon Gorilla Riller and Carlson Fox for the rescue. A battle between life and death is unfolding.