谎言之躯的剧情介绍,罗格·菲利斯(莱昂那多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)曾是一名穿梭于炮火硝烟中的战地记者,如今他受雇于CIA,成为美国方面潜伏在伊拉克的特工,随时追踪臭名昭著的恐怖分子阿尔萨里姆(Alon Aboutboul 饰)。他的上司爱德·霍夫曼(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)在遥远的美国坐镇,他凭借手中的电脑掌控大局。 <br /> 通过一个不愿当人肉炸弹的恐怖分子的供述,罗格得知阿尔萨里姆正在策划新一轮的恐怖袭击。在接下来的冲突中,罗格的助手不幸身亡,自己也多处负伤。就在他还未康复之际,又被霍夫曼派往了阿曼。另一方面,对手不断散播与美国军方达成合作的谣言,这令身处虎穴的罗格顿时陷入莫大的危险之中……
Roger Ferris is a CIA operative in the Middle East; Ed Hoffman is his control at Langley. Cynicism is everywhere. In Amman, Roger works with Hani Salaam, Jordan's head of security, whose only dictum is "Don't lie to me." The Americans are in pursuit of a cleric who leads a group placing bombs all over Europe. When Hani rebukes Ed's demand that Jordan allow the Americans to use one of Jordan's double agents, Roger and Ed hatch a plan to bring the cleric to them. The plan is complicated by its being a secret from Hani and by Roger's attraction to a local nurse. Satellites and cell phones, bodies and lies: modern warfare.
后一半掉价。《谎言之躯》部分情节梳理(严重剧透)。揭露西方政治的弊端和丑陋。谁才自作聪明?。可爱的Ridley Scott。谎言巴比伦。故事能讲清楚,能嘣嘣嘣炸,并且还算不太弱智。五分,不能再低了。。。。谁的谎言,究竟在欺骗谁?。挺复杂的一个故事,政治不正确!。