染血王国的剧情介绍,沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,密集的枪声和巨大的爆炸声撕裂了高档住宅区的宁静。针对西方人的恐怖袭击导致上百人死亡,甚至联邦特工人员也在混乱中丧生。这一事件使原本矛盾重重、暗流涌动的国际局势再次紧张起来。FBI派出探员罗纳德·弗鲁瑞(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)及其小队前往沙特,他们要在5天之内找到幕后的指使者。然而调查比想象中更加困难,沙特当局似乎不愿美国插手“国家内务”,FBI探员不仅要应付恐怖分子设下的重重障碍,还要试图克服来自沙特官方的阻挠与干扰。 <br /> 为了达成共有的目标,身处不同文化背景的两国调查人员渐渐达成共识,而这一时刻危险正偷偷向他们逼近……
After a terrorist attack on an American housing compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where families and FBI Agent Francis Manner are murdered, FBI agent Ronald Fleury blackmails the Saudi Arabian consul to get five days of investigation in the location. He travels with agent Grant Sykes, Janet Mayes and Adam Leavitt to avenge their friend and try to find those responsible for the bombing. The agents find all sorts of difficulties in their investigation, but they are supported by Colonel Faris Al Ghazi that advises the team how to act in a hostile environment.
the 2 sides.。无论如何,我觉得结尾总是合理而震撼的。挺好。这个世界只有仇恨。We're gonna kill'em all --- 反恐旗帜下的复仇。片段。不落俗套的结尾。海外反恐。“我们会把他们杀光”。外强中干。