座头市与独臂刀的剧情介绍,影片讲述独臂刀王刚赴日访友,路遇中国遗孤,并与座头市结识,两人之间因言语不通闹出许多笑话,最后更因误会难解,不得不性命相搏。瞎子座头市以闪电般的拔刀术著称,而独臂大侠王刚则以独门金刀刀法和轻功与之对抗。最后误会消除,王刚不禁慨叹“你是个好人,如果言语能通……” <br /> 有趣的是,因为要兼顾双方影迷的情绪,影片上映时有两个版本,日本版名为《盲侠大破唐人剑》,结局是座头市要了王刚的命,而香港版则名为《独臂刀大战盲侠》,结局是独臂刀击败了盲侠。
While traveling the Japanese countryside the blind masseur Zatoichi comes across the One Armed Swordsman, Wang Kang, who is in hiding and protecting a child from a corrupt Japanese priest and a group of yakuza. Zatoichi and Wang Kang, each from very different worlds yet heroic swordsman in their own right, at first seem to get along but a language barrier and a series of misunderstanding leads Kang to distrust Ichi. Soon the two heroes are at each other throats while each attempts to stop the true villains from taking the child.