怪物大乱斗的剧情介绍,继《鸡皮疙瘩》之后万圣节又一乱斗式恐怖喜剧《Freaks of Nature》,#人类#大战#吸血鬼#大战#僵尸#大战#外星人#,脑洞又大了!
In Freaks of Nature, we welcome you to Dillford, where three days ago, everything was peaceful and business as usual: the vampires were at the top of the social order, the zombies were at the bottom, and the humans were getting along in the middle. But this delicate balance was ripped apart when the alien apocalypse arrived in Dillford and put an end to all the harmony. Now it's humans vs. vampires vs. zombies in all-out, blood-sucking, brain-eating, vamp-staking mortal combat - and all of them are on the run from the aliens. It is up to three teenagers - one human, one vampire, and one zombie - to team up, figure out how to get rid of the interplanetary visitors, and try to restore order to this "normal" little town.
又有深度 又肤浅的电影。Freaks of Nature小事集(5件)。荒诞血腥中的奇思妙想!。一般般啦。麦肯兹戴维斯真好看啊。拼装大杂烩。《吸血鬼大战僵尸外星人》,are you serious?。如果你想变成吸血鬼,推荐观看怪物大乱斗。怪咖大聚会。典型的美式恶搞片,但是竟然还有剧情。。