Cho Lam Wong (Heart of Greed), Ben Wong (The Hippocratic Crush), and Joey Meng (A Change of Heart) star in a royal comedy that proves getting out of the frying pan sometimes means you go straight into the fire. Tin Po (Cho Lam Wong) was once part of a prestigious family, but when their assets were seized, the talented chef had to resort to selling fish buns for a living. It is during this time that he meets street performer Mo Suet (Joey Meng), kind foodie Yuek Bik (Triumph in the Skies actress Nancy Wu) and noodle shop owner and occasional rival Siu Yu (The Hippocratic Crush II alum Stephanie Ho). One day, Tin Po's fish buns find their way into the Imperial Palace, where he is immediately invited to become a full-time chef by Fourth Prince Yin Zhen (Ben Wong). Trying to gain favor with his emperor father, the Kangxi Emperor (Storm in a Cocoon actor Elliot Ngok), Yin Zhen believes Tin Po will be his trump card in the battle for the throne. When coming to the palace, Tin Po also brings his entourage of friend and servant Lei Wai (A Change of Heart actor Jack Wu) and Siu Yu. However, he gets a less-than ideal reception from Hok Ting Choi (Bob Lam), his old rival who now works as Head Imperial Chef at the palace and was directly responsible for Tin Po's restaurant shutting down. Before Tin Po can even manage to properly acclimatize with his nemesis' treachery, he finds himself caught in the battle for the throne between Fourth Prince Yin Zhen and Eighth Prince Yin Si (Cantopop singer Louis Cheung), who has far stronger support than his brother and is not relying on a chef who cooks the emperor's new favorite dish. Throw in an accidental marriage, and Tin Po's dream job suddenly becomes a recipe for disaster. Can Tin Po use his wits and salty fish buns to cook up success for his royal ally, or will the throne room prove so hot that our young chef has to leave the kitchen? Originally known as \"Food for the Slaves,\" Gilded Chopsticks is inspired by The Deer and th
自幼出身富贵之家的天才厨师高天宝(王祖蓝 饰)天生拥有极为灵敏的嗅觉和味觉,尝尽珍馐佳肴,对食材要求甚高。怎奈家道败落,在京城市井经营一家专门制作咸鱼包的小店为生。与小店相邻的面店店主米小鱼(何雁诗 饰)为寻找厨神父亲“五味大师”,不得已女扮男装,跟天宝是一对欢喜冤家。街头卖艺女子纪慕雪(万绮雯 饰)嫉恶如仇,柔中带刚。康熙早年曾吃过一道名为咸鱼包的小吃,对此念念不忘。四阿哥胤禛(黄智贤 饰)微服出巡秘密出宫寻找,偶遇街头卖艺的慕雪,对其一见钟情。胤禛终于找到了天宝秘制的咸鱼包,胤禛更对天宝超群的厨艺和认真的态度青睐有加。小小咸鱼包,让天宝备受康熙赏识,几经周折,天宝被推荐入紫禁城中的御茶膳房,成为当中一个御厨。与此同时,朝中以八阿哥胤禩(张继聪 饰)为首的“八王党”不惜一切结党营私,宫中一时风起云涌。然而伴君如伴虎,一心钻研美食的天宝却“因食为奴”...