狼人的剧情介绍,狼人题材的影片,在恐怖电影史上一直占有重要地位。这部56年版的《狼人》改变了以往,被诅咒,被狼人咬伤后变异的套路, <br /> 改由人为科学研究因素导致狼人出现。作为一部黑白片,该片很多情节带有浓重的“冷战”背景,对了解那个时代也有不错的参考价值。 <br /> 这个时期的怪物片,大多情节简单,但同样具有独特的魅力。推荐喜欢黑白片、冷战时代恐怖电影的爱好者们下载收藏。 <br /> (本片由 字幕组新人Daemon翻译)
In Mountaincrest, a stranger without memory arrives in a bar to have a drink. When he leaves the bar, a local tries to rob him but he turns into an animal and kills the attacker. Deputy Ben Clovey hunts down the animal but is wounded by it. Sheriff Jack Haines organizes a party to find the beast. Meanwhile the nurse Amy Standish and her father, the local doctor, receive a man called Duncan Marsh that recalls that he had a car accident and two doctors have treated him. But he flees and Haines wants to hunt him down but Amy and her father wants to convince him to capture Duncan to see how they could treat him. When is wife Mrs. Helen Marsh and her son Chris arrive in Mountaincrest, Sheriff Haines is convinced that shall capture the werewolf alive. But the doctors that conducted the experiment arrive in the town expecting to kill him.
补下这部早期狼人 不是那类谁是狼人的小把戏 其实是科幻恐怖 归根结底还是疯医生搞事 狼人场景基本无看点