It's 1927 Paris. Following the conviction of her art dealer husband, Stephan Zelli, for theft for which he was handed a one-year prison sentence, Marya Zelli, originally from West India, moves in with her acquaintances, expatriate Brits H.J. and Lois Heidler. Marya knows that H.J. in particular has more in mind than just providing her lodging out of the goodness of his heart. From behind bars, Stephan encourages Marya to move in with them not knowing H.J.'s intentions. Marya agrees in part because she, being a foreigner, cannot get work and would thus become destitute otherwise. She learns she is the latest in a long line of lodgers. She also learns that H.J. and Lois' marriage is not all that it appears on the surface. The Heidler's hold on Marya becomes stronger when they convince her that Stephan not only has no money but has no future in France after his release. Their collective lives become more complicated when Stephan is released from jail and tries to figure out what he's going to do with his life to regain the high standard of living to which he became accustomed.
It has been said that most great twentieth century novels include scenes in a hotel, a symptom of the vast uprooting that has occurred in the last century: James Ivory begins Quartet with a montage of the hotels of Montparnasse, a quiet prelude before our introduction to the violently lost souls who inhabit them. Adapted from the 1928 autobiographical novel by Jean Rhys, Quarte...
詹姆斯·伊沃里代表作,阿佳妮凭[着魔]与本片加冕戛纳史上最高含金量影后。一个点染上宿命感的,男权主义引致的爱情悲剧,独留深陷泥淖的阿佳妮在暗夜里凄然若失。古典英伦气息与法兰西的激狂浪漫流溢在一格格胶片之中。| 为什么爱像拉斯普廷?因为无论你投毒,捅刺,在污泥里击倒它,它都会复生。(8.5/10)
三星半。她们在浓墨重彩的巴黎黄金年代,逐渐被重重的色彩所吞没。就像最后皮埃尔说的,在巴黎,没有什么是美丽的。它吞没了那些幸福和纯真,所以才愈发的光彩夺目。James Ivory将巴黎也拍出点英国式潮湿忧伤的仪态,但在处理感情方面还是他早期作品的青涩感觉,缺乏压抑下的火焰,哪怕有阿佳妮
黄金巴黎的败坏内里。英国夫妇死守面子而在里子里携手折磨阿佳妮演的外来妹女主,她毫无自主意识着实 是任人践踏的花瓣。那夫妇无耻至极的同时还能自己也深受折磨,也是一绝。Alan Bates演得太棒!阿佳妮的角色急死人了,戛纳趣味真难懂啊...
这片告诉我们男人以后少进监狱 女孩真是太难了 另外戛纳居然把这片跟着魔一起并列为当年最佳女演员,奖杯会给俩吗?阿佳妮相当于少拿一个啊。。。